Ämne: Succeed by Avoiding These Two Mistakes
Some people just seem to attract success like a magnet. It's as though they can't put a foot wrong. Whatever happens to them circumstances always seem to turn out in their favour.
You could be working hard and smart and feeling frustrated by seeing the fortunate few coast towards success with ease. So what do they have that you don't? They are not necessarily more intelligent able or well qualified than the vast majority who struggle.
All failure occurs due to two easily avoidable mistakes. You'll probably agree that in all areas of life there are rules. If you want to be a good cook, driver, swimmer or golfer you'll need to follow certain rules. Substitute any activity you like for the ones that I have used in the above example and this remains the case.
Consciously or unconsciously the " success magnets " are following two rules. These are you cannot achieve your goals unless you have some and you must pursue your goals effectively in order to achieve them. Although this could seem obvious most people don't have a correct understanding of how to set achievable goals. Most people also find effectively persuing their goals for any length of time difficult. It doesn't have to be that way when you know how to go about it.
Ask most people about their goals and they'll say something vague like " I would like to be happy" or "I want to be rich". "Goals" which are expressed vaguely are simply not achievable. The person who wants to be happy must first define what happiness means to him or her. What might make one person happy could be stressful or boring to another.
Just knowing that you would like a Rolls Royce or a holiday home in Spain is not enough though. You need to have a totally clear mental picture of the things, people and situations that you want to bring into your life.
Many years ago I read a book on success written by a self-made millionaire, I've never forgotten his words on this subject. They were to the effect that you should be able to describe so accurately what you want from life that it could be delivered to you by the relevant vendor based purely on your description of it.
Most people's pictures of their desires are vague and nebulous to put it mildly. Some people even waste time and mental energy thinking of things that they don't won't. That creates a whole set of problems that I don't have time to go into here.
An unclear goal would be "I want a family". A clear goal would be " I want a partner, two children and a German Shepherd dog. Or an unclear goal would be " I want a good job". A clear goal would be "I want to work for an International company. To earn £50,000 per annum and travel throughout Europe using my creative skills and my ability to speak foreign languages".
Once you have successfully formulated your goal you will need to pursue it. The problem here is that whilst most people start off enthusiastically this soon wanes. I have often heard it expressed as "life gets in the way".
There is a quick and simple way of staying on track to your goals when you are tempted to drift away from them. Write down on a piece of paper all that acheiving your goal will mean to you. For example the person with the career goal won't just gain his/her ideal career but a chance to travel, to meet new friends, to have interesting experiences.In short success in this goal will transform their life. Now think of the effort required to put together a C.V., contact recruitment consultants by telephone or email. What's that compared to what this person stands to gain.
You can do this with any goal. Then act; break down actions into small bite sized steps so that you never feel overwhelmed by them. Keep these two rules and you will find circumstances opening up in your life, which will allow you to achieve goals, which once seemed impossible. Finally mentally picture on a regular basis your goals as already achieved and you will turbo-charge your progress towards them.
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