| Ämne: The 5 Rules For Fast Wealth Creation The rules of wealth creation are simple and easy to follow yet few of us actually want to believe this, so are continually looking for the secret or jumping to conclusions. I believe that you should be aware of any contingencies, which may crop up before you start off on a given course and be sensitive to the direction of trends before they become obvious to the general public. Normally, average investors are like frogs in a pot of water; if you turn up the heat suddenly they all jump out together and the market slumps dramatically. However, if you turn the heat up gradually they all just boil to death, hoping the trend will start to turn and go the other way! Although you should be open to these changes which are constantly happening in your investing portfolio, don't try to get it 100% right the first time, just get it moving and then correct it while you are travelling. In the same way as a missile should constantly alter its course so as to eventually reach its target, you should do the same and be perceptive of any objects which may block your path or a change of course. Wealthy people skip over the masses because they use other people's money and skills to attain their goals. While most of us tend to play the same tune over and over again and we feel placidly contented with the same old song, the wealthy are not scared to try a new tune. There will naturally be some new tunes, which fail miserably but side by side with these failures are where the chart busters will be found. However, there is a better and easier way to find these hit songs and that is to use your fast-forward button to skip those tunes you do not like until you find that special magical song. This is the challenge of life. You do not know the order in which your dream song will play. It may be two songs away or it may be twenty but as long as you are not scared to play a new tune you will surely arrive sooner or later. Because our tastes in music differ we must move to a new CD or cycle hear a new type of music. So this first fast forward wealth button is that you persevere until your song is played. I know how trying and tedious it can be and that you might never seem to find that lucky break; even in my own business it sometimes seems that my favourite song has been deleted So, when you finally manage to achieve your goal, have been persistent and have put up with others who have thought you were crazy along the way, it's funny how others will simply pass it over that 'you were just lucky!'
Fast Forward Your Time If you want to make a bundle you will have to optimise your allocation of time. It is clearer to first describe the abuse of this precious commodity. Television is first on the 'hit list' of the abuses followed by parties, afternoon naps, shopping and generally doing 'things' which cost money and don't earn you any money. Behave like you only have one year left on earth and ask yourself this question: "Would I still do the many petty things and waste time as I do now?" Most of us have the ability to earn many thousands of dollars over ten years but the secret of real success is to earn those same dollars in one to five years, which will then make your rich. Time can be your friend or your enemy depending on your choice of investment. For example, time eats your savings through inflation or negative gearing but it will make you wealthy if you buy that piece of real estate, which will give you a positive cash flow.
Fast Forward Your Management Of Others Wealthy people delegate. Have you ever seen a skinny millionaire, hardworking, with blistered hands, putting in endless hours and working over time No, I have yet to see one, but I have seen many people without the million dollars doing just this, doing everything themselves, they don't need any help staying poor! Management of other people's skills can contribute to your growth. You need to direct the orchestra playing your song; you don't play every instrument yourself or try to be a one-man band ekeing out a living.
Fast Forward Your Money Millionaires know that by using someone else's money one grows rapidly without risking one's own security. If you don't have much money, how are you supposed to become wealthy? You can work hard and earn it over 60 years and by that time you have spent it and are too old to enjoy it anyway. Alternatively there is other people's money (like that of banks), which would work for you. Banks are there because of people's savings, which they lend out to others who can compound it at a higher rate once more. Understand this clearly; banks are there because they use other people's money! Millionaires are there because they use other people's money. You are here because you only use your own money!!
Fast Forward Your Learning Most people act as if they cannot read and a person who cannot read and one who will not read are both going to remain exactly where they are; aren't they? Build your knowledge, which helps you to avoid stepping in the manure too often. The other extreme is when you are so busy reading or learning that you never go out into the field at all because you see how much manure lies about and it puts you off. As long as you do something, your mind will act as a sponge and if you are not soaking in good material you are absorbing bad or negative material, or even worse, you just get all clogged up and learn nothing at all.
Fast Forward Your Emotional Control If you cannot control your environment, you should try and make some time to associate with those people who are successful. Break those habit patterns and menial tasks to a minimum otherwise you will be making it far harder on yourself to maintain enthusiasm. You should give yourself doses of encouragement on a daily basis and try and surround yourself with postive books, pictures and more importantly positive people! If you are to master your emotions and thus your enthusiasm and your moods, the first step is to act successful, dress successful and smile even when you don't feel like smiling! |