Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Ola, Need a Quick Energetic Pick-Me-Up?

Blessings of Divine Love and Divine Grace to all of you…

In this Issue:

  1. July Energy Session:  This Wednesday

                An Energetic Pick-Me-Up
  2. Shaktify Energy Workers' Group  Tomorrow 
  3. Our Advanced Class in Spiritual Proficiency  Every Thursday

            The Journey of the Adept:
                      Building Spiritual Mastery

  4. Next Shakti Healing Intensive:

           Healing the Physical Body II
  5. Upcoming Events
  6. Available Shaktify MP3s
  7. Playback Links
       Welcome and Thank You, for opening this email and considering these opportunities to explore, grow, shift, and change your outmoded ways.  

       Please consider donating to Shaktify:  https://shaktify.com/product/donate/

       Become a Spiritual Alchemist.  Join us this Wednesday to experience an energetic quick pick-me-upThis month's energy session on Wednesday will allow you to attune yourself to the Divine and energize yourself for whatever is coming up for you.

       Become a Spiritual Alchemist, and practice your skills.  The Energy Workers' Group will help you along your way, regardless of your perceived level of expertise.  Please attend.  Everyone is needed; everyone is invited.  There is much needed work throughout our sector right now, and across all aspects of life here, around us, as the entire world is purified in the energies of reevaluation and renewal.

       Become a Spiritual Alchemist to improve your relationship with life, and enhance and develop your innate gifts.  Our class continues to get rave reviews...  Please sign up soon if you are interested in attending, The Journey of the Adept: Building Spiritual Mastery.  This class helps you build spiritual mastery, both mastery of technique and mastery of the Self.  The next month starts Thursday, Aug 1st.  Recordings are provided.  Please refer to the information below.

       The Work of Shaktify remains one of helping people with internal complexities to simplify, purify, and raise the base vibrational rates of those who would have it.  By guiding people from where they are to their next step, true help is given to people along their path from a spiritual perspective.  The Shaktify techniques and protocols were created through Spiritual Alchemy, and many find these techniques easier to use in their lives towards their spiritual evolution and other expressions of growth.  Shaktify is a system of mystical and esoteric religious syncretism, taking an inclusive non-ecumenical, non-denominational approach, accepting from within those precepts and concepts, techniques, initiations, attunements, and other processes from all systems of higher understanding leading one to an enriched life.

       Thank you, All of you, for your continued support of this work, both with your choice to participate in our activities and through your donations (tax deductible in the States).
       Look for more about our programs below, and in upcoming newsletters.  In the meantime, be well, be peace.
                 ...and of course, you can always call.
God Bless,
Rev. Scott Smith
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used with the artist's permission - Richard Jaimes
1.  Upcoming Energy Session:    

An Energetic Pick-Me-Up

Additional details and connecting information may be found here

It's easy to use the internet:  Connect to Shaktify Events

Phone In - 667 770 1476

Access Code - 627480#

This Wednesday
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

9pm ET / 8pm CT / 7pm MT & AZ / 6pm PT / 3pm HT

Next Day: 2am GMT / 7:30am IST / 10am 北京时间 + AWST / 1pm AEDT

This energy session is intended as a quick energetic pick-me-up for whenever you feel the need for this kind of support...

2.   Gathering of the Shaktify Energy Workers' Group

Our group is open to everyone who would like to participate.
Dialing or Connecting information, same for the Monthly Energy Session, may be found here!
It's easy to use the internet:  Connect to Shaktify Events

Phone In - 667 770 1476

Access Code - 627480#


Tuesday, July 30, 2024  (≈ 1 hr)
5:30pm PT,  6:30pm MT7:30pm CT, 8:30pm ET, 2:30pm HT
Next Day: 1:30am GMT, 7am IST, 9:30am 北京时间 / AWST, 12:30am AEST

used with the artist's permission - Thai Hamelin
3.  Our Class in Proficiency Continues...

The Journey of the Adept

every Thursday night 7:30pm CST
(the next month begins August 1st)

This is a class for cultivating spiritual adeptness, practicing various techniques and skills.  Included in this class are many experiential topics, activations, initiations, and advanced processes, all geared towards your development, and refinement, of spiritual gifts.  Recordings are provided, and the links will be sent to class members at the beginning of each month.

This is a class that is building toward spiritual mastery, mastery of technique, and mastery of the Self...

Click here for more...

There are two payment plans, by the month or by the year.


used with the artist's permission - Oleksii Makarov and Melissa Mjoen
4a.  Next Shakti Healing Intensive

Healing the Physical Body II

2 Hours of Healing Bliss
from the comfort of your home

Saturday, August 17th
3 Weeks Away!

In this Shakti Healing Intensive, we will provide a healing process that can be adapted and applied to a wide range of health concerns from minor ailments to life threatening diseases depending on your needs.  These energies are intended as a compliment to care on the physical plane. This advanced set of processes will combine Divine Energy (spiritual healing) and Consciousness (quantum matrix healing) to help you create a healthier state...

Please be advised that despite their efficacy, these processes do not constitute a replacement or substitute for medical care.  Scott is not a medical professional, nor has he been trained as such.


for more information, Click Here!
used with the artist's permission - Matus Kovacovsky
4b.  Available for download

Liberating your Energetic Reserves

2 Hours of Healing Bliss
from the comfort of your home

Now Available

One of the Most Poignant Intensives to Date!

Energy. Your energy. A common misconception. The objective of this Shakti Healing Intensive is to assist you in letting go of patterns related to "energy" that hold you back: giving it away, not fully receiving it, and any interference in your crystalline structure preventing you from making the most of it. This healing intensive will support you on your path in healing, in seva, and in everything you do...

for more information, Click Here!
used with the artist's permission - Andrew Spencer
4c. Shakti Healing Intensive Program 2024
Shakti Healing Intensives are extended energy sessions that provide tools, techniques, and energetic transmission for addressing specific needs in support of people's evolution in greater wholeness, well being, and prosperity towards a fuller embodiment of their innate potential. Offered every two months, these events feature a blend of discourse and energy work that help you to expand, grow and progress along your path. Shakti Healing Intensives have addressed such powerful subjects as:
  • Embodying your connection to your Immortal Self
  • Healing of the Causal Body
  • Clearing the causes of suffering
Shakti Healing Intensives are always $40, which includes the optional and recommended live event as well as the recordings (MP3, M4A, and MP4) so you can choose to participate and benefit from the energy transmissions over and over, again and again. Here you also have the option of purchasing all six events for just $200, so you won't miss any of the expansive energy work! You will be able to download or stream any Shakti Healing Intensives (SHI) that have already occurred, and are invited and encouraged to attend any remaining SHIs this year.

to learn more about the 2024 Program, Click Here!

5. Upcoming Events (Look for the details coming soon)
Shakti Healing Intensive                                             Saturday, August 17, 2024
Healing the Physical Body II                                                  more info
6.   Available Shaktify MP3s

Special Events, Shakti Healing Intensives, Energy Sessions:

7. Playback Links

Energy Sessions
         Aligning with Divine Will                                           (28 mins)  Click here
         Divine Appreciation                                                   (32 mins)  Click here

YouTube  (over 85 energy sessions from which you can choose)
        Shaktify YouTube Channel   Please feel free to subscribe

Shaktify Website
         Additional Listings (20 mins - 127 mins)  Click here

How can we best serve you?

Please let us know.  Contact us, or simply reply to this email.
*Please Help This Work Continue

Your donations to Shaktify are fully tax deductible in the US.
Shaktify Inc. is a fully registered 501(c)(3) corporation.

Shaktify accepts donations in USD$, CAD$, GBP
£ , EUR, and AUD$.
If you find it in your heart to donate, please use this link:

If you would prefer to mail a check or money order (USD), please send it to:
                                           PO Box 264
                                           Warrenville, IL  60555-0264

Your generosity is gratefully appreciated.  Thank you in advance...

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--------  Thanks!  --------

The Healing List

If you received this email, you are on The Healing List. At least once a day, I go into a deep state to help all of you with what you have asked and whatever is needed most.  As a beneficiary of these transformational healing energies, please let me know how I might best serve you.
About Scott: 
Scott Smith is a spiritual alchemist, mystic, energy worker, and Master of the Core of Being.  In service to the Light, he shares intuitive spiritual guidance and techniques for purification and healing.  Coming from a place of religious syncretism, Scott's studies have taken him on a mystical journey through the study and various sacred practices of many world religions including Judaism, Catholicism, Hinduism, the Lakota tradition, Buddhism, and Quantum Physics.  Scott has learned from these experiences to enhance his ability to serve humanity through his gifts and talents.  Working with Divine Love, Divine Peace, and other transformational energies, combining the core energetic elements common to these traditions in a syncretic way, he has simplified and unified them into techniques for physical healing, emotional cleansing, mental focus, spiritual expansion, and deep inner peace. 
Currently based in the Chicago area, he assists others via individual sessions, podcasts, workshops, and various special events.  Scott shares and teaches simple methods to raise your vibrational rate and advance you along your path.
Copyright © 2024 Shaktify Inc., All rights reserved.
Shaktify is a registered 501(c)(3) organization

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 264                        
Warrenville, IL  60555-0264


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